Thursday, August 21, 2014

In Memory of Robin Williams- Depression is not a Weakness, but an Illness



In Memory of Robin Williams

Depression is not a sign of weakness, it’s an illness

Hey, my JAE readers! This is article is coming from the bottom of my heart. In the memory of one of the best actors and comedians, Robin Williams, I felt that this article was necessary. I mentioned before about how depression is heavy in our communities, most likely not mentioned. We have to break this stigma. Too many people are wasting away and losing their lives just because they are too ashamed or afraid to admit they need help because they are depressed. Look at Robin Williams; he had all that people strive for everyday. We think having lots of money and material things will bring all the happiness we need. It is not true. It begins within us.

Most of us were raised to be strong and fearless conquerors not weak cowards. I say that so harshly to bring home that it is so many things one can be in between those two extremes, which don’t make you any less than a person. If you have the ability to read this blog you are human and humans are emotional beings. People have feelings and its okay to feel emotions, that’s what makes us human. With this ability we are able to love, be affectionate, confident, compassionate and spiritual but even the best of us have not so good days. So we can also feel conquered, defeated, scared, sad, and even depressed. Depression can manifest in one or more areas of your life, such as your marriage, relationships, finances, career, children etc. while others remain unmarked. Depression is an illness, not a sign of weakness. A prolonged lost of interest in things you use to like to do or deep sadness can be depression (WebMd).

Again you are human so you can overcome these feelings, you are a conqueror!!! The first step is admitting to yourself that this situation is bigger than you and that you are depressed. The second step is to seek help which can be a positive figure in your life, a doctor, support group, a hotline, spiritual guidance and even some jobs have resources to help. You have to be open to the help. Shutting down or refusing help will not benefit you, we are better together (Pastor Lester Brown). The third step is to put the information you learned from your resources into place and believing that you will be alright with one step at a time. Everything will not get better overnight. Just continue with your positive progression and you will recover bit by bit. Please do not result to bottling in your feelings, drug use, alcohol abuse, crimes, or suicide. You have the ability to take back control of your life. If other people went through depression and overcame it, you can too, regardless of the situation! Mayo clinic breaks down what major depression is.

  • Here are some resources from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to begin the second step: Resources

  • Here is a list of local Philadelphia support groups from Psychology Today and you can also find a support group near you by clicking here.

We are better together and there is no reason to go through this alone. Please share this article with your loved ones even if they don’t show signs of depression. Remember it is silent in our communities so share with everybody. The video Far Away from Marsha Ambrosius brings home this article below. Thank you for all of my support from GOD, my family, friends, pastors and church!

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