Friday, August 1, 2014

The BIG Chop

chopOn July 13, 2012 I decided to big chop! I wanted to cut my hair for quite some time because I wanted to see my true texture and grow it out. With everyone around me telling me not to, I got the guts to cut it myself. Yup, I took the scissors and cut it myself lol. I couldn’t sleep the night before the big chop because of a bad sew-in; it was itching, it was too tight and I just wanted it out. I was up watching YouTube, witnessing the hair journeys of naturals that big chopped such as Mahogany Naturals and she truly inspired me and it gave more of an urge to do it. Also, I did not want to straighten my hair again when I took out my sew-in. So I took the scissors and begin cutting the weave then just was like ‘you know what just do it, don’t keep putting it off‘!!! So snip, snip, snip, off my cornrows went. Of course I did a hack job, lol. But I was happy after washing my hair and witnessed my curls. However, some places were shorter than others so I had to go to a barber to get it cut even. I wanted to cry because reality hit me and my hair was way shorter than I was comfortable with lol.

chop1The shock of it all lasted for quite some time with myself and with those around me. Before I cut my hair, it was a little past my shoulders so of course people did not understand. I had previously transitioned for 4 years and I couldn't take the texture differences. No style looked good no matter what. My thick curly roots followed by my straight heat damaged and permed ends just looked so tacky to me and I could only wear my hair straight so all I could think of doing was a big chop.

chop2 I’ve only had a slight regret because knowing what I know now; I could've found ways to maintain my hair that would've worked. Also, my hair would be much longer now. However, I love my texture, it’s a coil curly mix and I love my curls so I don't regret getting to know my hair in its natural state. Never knew my hair was so pretty and I fall in-love with my hair again and againJ

chop4After two years I'm back to the length I was before I big chopped so I am excited. Now I am on a growth journey and I am really focused on keeping my hair healthy. Through research I know health equals growth so that’s my main concern. I’m no longer a product junkie, I stick with minimal products, however, I do need to update my regimen because my hair is longer now so it needs to be styled more. No more wash and goes; they do not last in my hair.

Products I am currently using are: Shea Moisture Curl Smoothie and V05 Conditioner as a cowash (I also use it as a leave-in conditioner just a little because it makes my scalp flaky). In addition, I use natural oils: coconut oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, olive oil, rosemary oil, grape seed oil and cold pressed castor oil. Sometimes I use a sulfate free shampoo like Aunt Jackie's but they make my hair feel sort of stripped so I mix the shampoo with conditioner and/or olive oil.

chop3So there you have it, my big chop journey. If you need any advice or have tips, be sure to comment below!


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