Thursday, September 11, 2014


IMG_7664.JPGIt's all in the news about how Ray Rice knocked his wife (fiance then) out in the elevator earlier this year. Yes! It is a very sad tape and he deserves to be punished. No, his wife does not deserve to be abused nor do anyone else deserve that kind of treatment. But I think the NFL and the media is putting too much focus in the wrong direction! Yes, save the wife but what about him...

I am always geared towards prevention. Getting to the root of the problem. Removing a person from a fire does not put out the fire! Yes, victims should be removed from the situation but it does not stop there. All of the problem solving should not focus on removing these victims from these circumstances when the problem is not them, it's the perpetrator. Don't get me wrong. I know sometimes it can be very dangerous and frightening for someone to live with an abuser.  The abuser is absolutely wrong for what they are doing but removing the victims are only scraping the surface.

These abusers are hurt themselves. Hurt People hurt people and that can be physical, emotional, and/or mental pain which they in turn inflict that same pain on someone else. Women and children can be the abusers as well so please do not judge only men. Women have the power of manipulation which can inflict deep emotional abuse. The Ray Rice situation with him being dropped from the NFL and his endorsements sounded off all kinds of abuse alarms to me. He is in a very difficult situation which will make his wife more at risk for this behavior. I would hope and pray that he is receiving help and counseling for him to know he abuses because of anger and not for any other reason. He needs to get to the bottom of it. I hope she is seeking counseling as well because she thinks she deserves it or that it's excused. ABUSERS WALK AWAY before the situation leads to abuse. VICTIMS LET THEM walk away and go the opposite direction. COME BACK when the smoke is cleared and if possible with a trusted mediator.

There are resources out there that can help abusers, one is called Menergy which is located in Philadelphia, PA at 7500 Germantown Ave, New Covenant Center. It is a counseling service for people who inflicted the abuse.
So don't just spread the negativity. Stand up for the victims and  the abusers too. We are not fixing the problem with just helping the victim.  We have to prevent this Neglect, Failure, and Lost of our many Ray Rices out there. We need to listen out and hear their cries too!

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