Thursday, November 6, 2014

Smoked Out!!! "Cigarette Smoking is the leading preventable cause ofdeath in the U.S."

Cigarette smoking causes more deaths than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and firearm-related incidents combined. The general public does not a clear understanding of how much smoking can do to one's body.

A lot of people think smoking just causes lung cancer but it actually has a link to throat, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, cervix, bladder and colorectal cancers. Cigarettes are toxic and travels throughout your body not stopping at your lungs prematurely causing chronic diseases like diabetes, COPD, rheumatoid arthritis, and hip fractures. Smoking has caused 10 times more deaths prematurely than deaths in all U.S. war history.

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Come on people spread the word or digest it for yourself. Its real! People complain that they will gain weight or pick up another habit but look what is at stake, you have to weigh out your options. Cigarettes are $10 a pack in Philadelphia, PA, now that's real, and even more of a reason to quit. $10 a day to prematurely kill yourself, think about it.But there is good news, quitting smoking lowers your risk for smoking-related diseases and can add years to your life. Here's a list of resources from CDC to help quit smoking (Smoking Cessation)...

Quit Smoking Resources

Government Resources

Other Resources

FYI... Second hand smoke is a combination of cigarette smoke and the smoke breathed out by smokers which has about 7,000 chemicals; hundreds are toxic and 70 of them can cause cancer.

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What a lot of people do not know about is third hand smoke... Third hand smoke is a fairly new concept and is still being researched. It is the residual nicotine that are left on clothes, skin, hair, furniture, walls, carpet, drapes, etc. long after smoking has stopped. It contains a toxic mix of cancer-causing substances posing a health hazard to non smokers especially children. So this is for everyone who steps outside to smoke to prevent second hand smoke but in all reality are still exposing nonsmokers to the toxins of smoking. The only way to protect against the health hazards of smoking is to create a smoke-free space by kicking the habit!

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