Monday, September 29, 2014

Money in Social Media

Vine Stars: Photo cred- click here
Vine Stars: Photo cred- click here

Who would have thought that 6 seconds on vine, could be worth tens of thousands of dollars?!? ABC News shared the story of three social media celebs; Cody Johns, Brent Rivera and Greg Davis, Jr (Klarity), all 30 years of age or under and grossing six figure salaries just from their hysterically clever vine videos alone!

How do they do it?

These guys, like many others, have found a way to capture the attention of the most impressionable audiences, in a personal and authentic way; an ability that most major corporations lack. To convey a point or get to the punch line in 6 seconds is a skill that everyone does not possess. Even to successfully do so in Instagram’s allotted 15 sec time slot requires creativity and originality. “Gramers” and “Viners” who are able to do so generally attract lots of followers. I’m not talking about a few thousand either. I’m talking MILLIONS!!! ABC points out that Cody Johns has more Vine followers than Mega Pop star Justin Bieber! Once you start to get this type of attention, you spark the attention of large corporations, and that’s when the $$$ starts to appear. Coca-Cola , Proctor and Gamble, and Warner Brothers, among others, have taken advantage of this unique marketing angle that social networks present.

How can you do it?

$20,000- $50, 000 per ad might be enough of an incentive for you to get more serious about your social media. Co-founder of Niche (advertising and talent agency), Rob Fishman, says that that’s about what the going rate for a single vine ad for big businesses is today. If you already have a pretty decent following and enjoy the challenge of telling a story and/or bringing laughter to others via social media, this may very well be an avenue that could lead to your financial freedom.

Just two things to keep in mind:

  • Companies do not want to work with anyone who may have videos/pictures or any affiliation with anything, that may do damage to their brand. So you will want to make sure that any publically available information regarding you has a positive reflection.

  • There has to be some level of loyalty to your followers. Remember that they did not follow you to watch a bunch of ads all day. Be strategic about the brands you work with and how/when you present your ads to your followers.

Make sure you check out these guys’ vines videos. They’re hilarious! (click here)

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